What Brought Me Joy This Past Week (Week 4)

This week went by super fast and I can't believe the month of August is almost over. I have been consistent with my weekly posts on "What brought me joy" You can check out my previous ones here 

1) Discernment
A lot of things came up to surface that I was struggling with and I am happy for the validation on it all. God shifted and made way for everything in my life this week and I am truly grateful for it. "The test is definitely hard, but I studied for it" (metaphor).

2) Networking
 I am trying to get this blog and other endeavors noticed and I have been getting just that. I am networking with other bloggers and social media content creators which is a big help for my brand. Not to mention some new followers on IG :)

3) Shopping
I don't remember the last time I went clothes shopping by myself lol. I'm always with my husband and children. It felt good to have my AirPods on jamming to old school R&B and just taking my sweet time in every aisle and match pieces together. (Moms know that feeling lol).

As we go into the new week, think about what brought you joy this past week and use that energy to go into the new one.

Later Love Bugs,
Elizabeth Jacas