Hey y'all it has definitely been a minute. I had set a goal of uploading 2 blog posts each week. I wanted to post earlier this week, but my mental health is way more important. I laid in bed and watched Girlfriends on Netflix okaaaaay lol. But on the real though, I've been focusing on getting back on track spiritually and spending quiet time with God has been amazing. A couple of months ago I started reading plans on the Bible app on my phone and have been journaling what I read. On the Bible app under plans, you can choose daily devotions based on what you are going through or want some clarity on. It can range from depression, anxiety, marriage, parenthood, gossip, jealousy, stress, anger, and the list goes on.
Since starting my blog and connecting with other bloggers, I became more comfortable with putting myself out there (a little bit) just to get my feet wet. I'm a pretty much private person but I know with blogging, people will want to know Elizabeth. I am still a work in progress. I have made some awesome connections and received a lot of positive feedback and constructive criticism from some well known bloggers and a few with a following. Sadly, about a month or so ago, I have been feeling a little unmotivated with my blogs even though I still posted and got great traffic...I guess its a mental thing. I noticed I was going on Instagram and started comparing my page to others and comparing my blog content to others and wondered what am I doing wrong to not get the following or sponsored. I battled with that feeling for a while and it really placed me in a negative funk. I had to really lay it all on the table and ask God to help me remove that negative spirit from my mind and focus on me.
I try to promote positivity in everything I do. But we are humans and sometimes our emotions get the best of us. Believe it or not, I made some connections via social media and have actually supported a few of them too. I'm the type of person that wants to see everyone make moves because I actually use that as inspiration for my moves if that makes sense. But the problem with that is if you are not in a good mental space then your happiness for people at times can be invalid. Last week, I decided to mute a few people that I follow on Instagram not because I am jealous or anything but because I do not want to look at their content and start comparing what they are doing to what "I feel" I am not.
Along with muting some folks, I checked the Bible app for a devotion on "Comparison" and I found one. It was a 7 day devotional plan. This plan was so informative and it helped me look at comparison in a different light. From reading and reflecting on this plan in my journal, it taught me so much about myself as an individual and the the people that I follow. I want to tell you what I learned without giving away the devotional plan in case you all want to read and study it. Day 5 stated the very thing I found myself comparing to or wishing that I had, was purposely placed in front of me so God can show me he wants to put that into my life. BUT, I have to put the work in. It can be me putting in longer night hours and early mornings working on my blog, consistent promoting, investing money into my blog, connecting with more people, attending workshops etc. I know I can do more and learn more on blogging but I have my regular teaching job, taking care of home, and being a mom and wife. Basically, I felt real convicted after Day 5 because it made me really take a step back and think... I am still going to keep a few of the people muted as I work on some other projects that I have up my sleeve and will unmute them when I'm ready. I must say the devotional was right because I am more motivated than ever. I even created a teacher IG page and plan on growing that as well. Go ahead and download the Bible app on your phone or check out the website https://www.bible.com
Have you ever dealt with jealousy or comparison? What did you do to overcome it?
Later Love Bugs,
Elizabeth Jacas