Hello educators. Happy Friday eve. Listen, I don't know about you all, but I am legit #TeacherTired lol. We are only in November and I'm ready for spring and summer break. A lot has been weighing on my shoulders and I decided to blog about it because I am pretty sure there is a fellow educator that is feeling the same way or has been through something. I thought to myself, why not do a weekly check in just to see how we are all holding up during these trying times.
Adding books to my new book shelf :) |
As for me, if you haven't known, I am a "semi" first year Kindergarten/First Grade teacher at the preschool where I have taught VPK/PreK for 5 1/2 years. I say "semi" first year because I am not a typical first year teacher like in the elementary school. I wanted too, but things did not go as planned (God had other plans for me obvi). But yea, I have been winging this thing from day 1. That is an issue because I am a planner and organizer. So not having an actual plan in order to execute is a bit stressful. The fact that I am teaching EVERYTHING at the top of my brain with minimal resources, without any training or workshops is phenomenal in my opinion because the children are learning. I have seen a lot "AHA" moments within the past few weeks. They are all succeeding in reading and I create lesson plans as I go and I create lesson activities in my sleep. I just might add curriculum specialist to my resume lol. The idea of opening up a blended Kindergarten/First grade classroom came about in July and the classroom opened up in August. I am building my classroom from the ground up literally. I mean just Monday, I got my book shelves and dry erase board (super happy lol). I'm still getting items in November that were needed in August. That alone is stressful because there are days where I feel defeated and I feel like I am cheating the kids, but then that is where the lovely teacher instagram community comes in to play. Some of the resources I seen on there has been a huge help for me because I am able to implement a few things into my classroom. The help that I have received from teacher friends(in real life) has also been a huge blessing for me. That is just a quick break down of how I am doing right now. I know with time and patience, things will be back in order and I can sit back and just thank God for allowing and giving me wisdom to teach these children. I want to let you all know... YOU GOT THIS!!!
So my question to you guys is this "How are you feeling?" "How is the school year going so far?" "Are you teacher tired yet?" We all have struggles in and out of the classroom. As educators, we go above and beyond for our students and families. It's time we focus on each other but most importantly ourselves. Leave me a comment below and let me know how you are REALLY doing. Also, go ahead and share this post with all of your teacher friends/families :)
Later Love Bugs,
Elizabeth Jacas