Every school system across America is going through a hard time right now. With a blink of an eye the way our children learn and the way our educators teach has changed. This situation is still somewhat confusing and shocking to me. It has made myself and I'm pretty sure every other individual a little on edge. As a parent, it is a lot because I have two children.One in Kindergarten and one in the Fourth grade. The assignments for the both of them are completely different and are due on different days. It can get a little overwhelming. (Thank God, I'm a planner girl lol).
When the idea of distant learning came about, I really did not think it was going to work because we honestly do not know what goes on in every one's home and we do not know if the parents/guardians are even capable of becoming homeschool teachers literally overnight. The idea of teaching my daughters at home was not too much of a big deal for me because I work with my daughters all the time and I am also an educator. Although, I am not in the school system as a certified teacher, I am a prek teacher with a degree in education. I know what I need to do to help my girls succeed. However, I must think about the children at home whose parents/guardians are not able to help at home. It must be very hard.
The amount of work my Fourth grader has is A LOT. I want to say it is more than she was getting when she was physically in the classroom. Whereas, my Kindergartner has easy work(Thank God). In the beginning, I was getting upset and irritated with the fact that my Fourth grader couldn't get all of her work done. I chose to not wake her up at 8am everyday to do assignments on the computer for hours at a time. We may not fully think about this, but our kids are also affected by this transition. It hurts me to think that school was probably some of these children safety net and only time when they would eat a nutritious meal and snack. My daughters are good, but I know they miss being social and just having somewhere to go ESPECIALLY after school care. They love it!!! So the idea of waking them up early was a "no no" for me.
My thought process eventually did change because although I am a parent first and I was thinking about other parents and what they must be going through, I then thought about the teachers and how this may affect them as well. Yes, they are still getting paid which is a great thing. However, speaking from a teacher's point of view( this can easily be me in a few months when I go into the school system). I can't imagine the loads of information and lessons that they have to push out to the students and parents all while not being able to know if ALL of the students will do their work, not knowing if your challenged students will get the concept, not knowing if your ELL students and parents understand what is being asked of them, and the list definitely doesn't stop here. Let's not start on the zoom meetings lol. I have heard plenty of horror stories from teacher friends lol. Let's just say the "Mute" button is a great tool. lol
As I have been preaching from the day I started my blog page, this pandemic has really OPENED my eyes and I knew I had the power of discernment but NOW, I really get to sit still, reflect, and observe everyone and everything around me for what it truly is. Being a parent is hard and so is being a teacher. There was a always a stigma about parents ONLY relying on teachers to teach their children. Well now, parents and teachers have to really come together and collaborate in order for their children to succeed.
I will leave you all with this, with everything that is going on, let this be a reminder that everything can change in a blink of an eye and your life will change drastically. Put yourselves in other peoples shoes and just think how you would feel if you were them. Let that sink in.
Later Love Bugs
Elizabeth Jacas💗💗💗
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