Happy Friday! We officially are at the end of the work week. This week felt super long especially coming back to the classroom after being on Winter break for 2 weeks. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year day. My motto last year was "go with the flow" and this year I am keeping that motto but also adding "try your best" I am no longer stressing myself about what needs to be done in the classroom because I am THE ONLY one doing what needs to be done and all I can do is MY BEST. Luckily for me, I have a small group of children (thank God) and they catch on quick to what I teach. Working without any school resources or curriculum, is a big risk but the fact that I am teaching these children from the top of my head is another blessing in itself. It is confirmation that God knows this is for ME. It definitely isn't my ideal teaching situation, but this is great experience for when I get into the actual school system. I am beyond blessed because I have no help. I am finding so many resources online. Such as Teachers Pay Teachers , Pinterest, Teacher Instagram Community , and teacher friends from my ideal school where I want to work have been very supportive in providing me with tools and advice on what I should be teaching. Not teaching from a curriculum has also made me run my classroom like how I was taught back in grade school. I find myself teaching more old school than the "new way" and I am also teaching "life skills" for example, how to be independent, using manners, thinking outside of the box, setting goals for themselves and the list goes on.
My dream has always been to be a Kindergarten Teacher. I love teaching that age group because they are just starting out into the world of "big kids" lol. They are still babies but not quite at the same time. They are like sponges at this point in their lives, and it is my job to teach them as much as possible in such a little time. The moment I see their "aha moment", it makes me so proud and to know that even though it's a weird situation, I am doing the damn thing. Like EVERYTHING in life, there are pros and cons. For the way I run MY classroom setting, I have more Pros than Cons....BUUUUUUUUT BAAAAAAAAAABBBBYYYYY, the other stuff......lol that's for another blog or maybe another eBook (shameless plug) lol. Anyway, I just want to say to anyone out there even if you are not in education.... Try your best....at the end of the day, if it's not your name on it, meaning if you don't own it... then don't stress. If you are an educator then focus on YOUR classroom and YOUR students. They matter. Your name is on that! "Try Your Best!!!"
Later Love Bugs,
Elizabeth Jacas
What is your motto for the New Year?
Have you checked out my new eBook? It Is still available for purchase on Amazon Click the link below.