Hey guys. I hope all is well. This blog post is about how to Manifest the life you want. According to google, Manifest means the public display of emotion or feeling, or something theoretical made real. If something spiritual becomes real, it is said to be a Manifestation.
I am a firm believer in manifesting things and situations into my life. I have been practicing this for about 2 years now. Honestly, the things I really focused and spoke into existence without a negative thought or doubtfulness actually came true. Everyone does things differently and I can only speak on what I do to manifest what I want.
To set the intentions, I make sure that my space is clean and smell fresh. Sometimes I will burn a candle or burn some Frankincense incense.(Frankincense is known to release negative energy) I then meditate and focus on what I want in my life. During mediation I vision myself having the things I want and how it makes me feel.
You will need to get you a notebook that inspires you. Oh, and drink some water and clear your mind from any negative thoughts before you start manifesting.
When you are manifesting or scripting you need to write as if what you want already happened. For example, say you want a new car. In your notebook or journal you will write and be specific ..." I am so happy that I have a black Mercedes. It drives so smooth and the features are amazing. I love the interior and I enjoy driving around town with my friends" In order for this to work, you have to be specific and write as if it already happened.
Another thing you can do is create a "Vision Board". I also have one. I bought a poster board and printed out pictures of what I want to accomplish for the year with positive affirmations and glued it on the board. I have it hung up in my bedroom to set as a reminder and motivation to not give up. You can also create a "Digital Vision Board" which has the same affect as the poster board one except you create a collage of the things you want and save it as a wallpaper on your phone's home screen. That way, you can always see it because let's be real... We always have our phones on us.
The Law of Attraction is real... Always speak positive things into your life and others!!!!
Later Love Bugs,
Elizabeth Jacas